Getting to Bratislava

The nearest large international airports are Vienna (Austria), Prague (Czech Republic) and Budapest (Hungary). A few international flights land at the Bratislava airport.

From Vienna to Bratislava

There is a direct bus connection from Vienna airport Schwechat to the bus station Mlynske Nivy in Bratislava. Please, note that it is important to buy your bus ticket at the airport as soon as possible after your arrival to Vienna to ensure that enough carriages will be made available by the company.

The bus operates from 8:00 to 22:00 with approximately one hour intervals. Please check the timetable for details (you need to get from Vienna Schwechat to Bratislava-AS).

You can also get to Bratislava by train from Vienna Südbahnhof station. The distance from Vienna to Bratislava is approximately 60 km. You may consult the online timetable (you need to get from Wien to Bratislava without interchanges).

From Prague to Bratislava

It takes approximately 5 hours (about 400 km) to get from Prague to Bratislava by train or by bus. You may consult the online timetable of trains and buses (you need to get from Praha to Bratislava). You may also fly to Bratislava by regular direct air line from Prague.

From Budapest to Bratislava

Distance from Budapest is about 200 km. By train or by bus it takes 2.5 hours. Train from Budapest-Keleti pu. Station departs for Bratislava approximately every 2 hours. You may consult the online timetable of trains and buses (you need to get from Budapest to Bratislava).

Getting to Smolenice

Once you are in Bratislava, you need to get to the bus station Mlynske Nivy. If you arrived by bus, you are probably there (this is the terminal station of almost all buses; in the timetables above it is denoted by Bratislava, AS). If you arrived by train or air, the best choice is to get a taxi. The taxi from the airport to the bus station Mlynske Nivy costs around 10EUR, from the railway station slightly less.

The Smolenice village is located approx. 40km NE of Bratislava (see map). There is a regular direct bus connection from the bus station Mlynske Nivy in Bratislava to Smolenice which takes about 90min. The departure times from Mlynse Nivy and corresponding terminals are:

Sunday, 20: 15:30 (43), 16:20 (45), 18:25 (42), 19:50 (41)

The departure times from Smolenice to Bratislava on Wednesday, 23 are:

departure from Smolenicearrival to Bratislava, AS
5:15 6:25
5:45 7:15
6:48 8:10
6:59 8:15
9:20 10:40
11:34 13:00
14:27 15:45
15:08 16:30
16:05 17:25
17:22 18:40

For more information, you may consult the online timetable; you need to get from Bratislava, AS to Smolenice without interchanges.

In Smolenice, the castle is in walking distance from the bus stop.